Inward Bound: A Student's Insight into the Muslim Essentials Program

By Gamze Aydogan 
Head of Islamic Studies, Ilim College (Dallas Primary)

Assalamu alaykum WRB,

When MMS Administration assigned the task of sharing my journey of the Melbourne Muslim Seminary, It took me a while to narrow down all the moments and experiences we shared into a short speech. 

Whilst gathering ideas, I thought about my time with my teachers, my time with my colleagues, my time as a student in a classroom. Whilst initially my concept of time was skewed, over the course of the year I reflected on this concept of time continuously.

I started the course questioning if I had enough time in my week. Being a mother, a teacher, a coach, and a student. The idea of studying felt overwhelming difficult to achieve. Yet, with certainty I kept reminding myself that we are humans created in a time bound universe by the One who is beyond time and space. The questions kept following, is time limited to the seconds, minutes passing on a clock? During the Isra and Miraj, our beloved Muhammad SAW was able to make a night journey between Masjid ul Haram and Masjid al Aqsa and ascended to the highest of heavens, all within what seemed like a moment of time. 

In the evening sessions, I asked how am I able to immerse my mind and heart to the depths and the greatness of the Highest being, Allah SWT, and the realities of the cosmos with our eloquent teacher Ustadh Mohamed Acharki? 

Yet here I am sharing with you all, about these principles and beliefs that enable us to revere and love God-both him and his commands. The Islamic theological principles and creeds pertaining to existence and reality which allows us to lay foundations for intelligibility, truth, and certainty.

With our time with Ustadh Warsama we explored the Quran as the main source that Muslim Jurists collected and codified books into Islamic Law and its rules and principles pertaining to

all fields of life.

Our time spent with Dr Shoaib exploring the Islamic tradition which encourages Muslims to seek knowledge, explore the universe, and engage in scientific endeavours as a means of better understanding the Creator’s design and contributing to the welfare of humanity.

Our time spent with Ustadha Ibadete with the knowledge about the rules and principles

of sharia resources and the manner of their utilisation.

With our time in philosophy with Brother Naushad, we literally were falling in love (philo) with wisdom (sophia) while studying the nature of reality and existence.

With Dr Harith the journey through time and Islamic civilization that left an indelible mark on the world, shaping the cultural heritage of regions across the Middle East, North Africa, South Asia, and beyond.

Our time with Sister Esma and Dr Done delving into holistic approach to life, emphasising physical, mental, and spiritual balance in accordance with Islamic teachings. To achieve a state of contentment, inner peace, and connection with Allah, contributing to the overall welfare of the individual and the community.

Our time spent with Ustadh Salim immersing ourselves into the process of purifying oneself of blameworthy characteristics and practicing and embodying praiseworthy characteristics.

I reflected greatly on time, and after many months of knowledge and transformation I came to a great realisation.


When I opened my heart and mind to the metaphysical realities of being in a space of learning that exuded a guiding light. Light from our intentions, light from our teachers, light from the litany at the beginning of our sessions. The illumination from Allah SWT filled our hearts and minds with ease, we were not only learning the content. We were inheriting from our teachers.

We were blessed to spend time with teachers that had spend their time with teachers through a chain that linked back to the beloved Muhammad SAW. 

The Prophet (Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) said, “The scholars are the inheritors of the prophets.” [Tirmidhi]

This inheritance is not wealth, it is sacred knowledge. Along with inheriting knowledge, one also inherits something of its tests, it’s challenges and responsibilities. When one focuses on seeking Allah through this knowledge, one also inherits a type of tranquillity in one’s heart, which brings peace of mind and satisfaction even in turbulent times.

Allah SWT reveals in Suratul Asr:

By the ˹passage of˺ time!

Surely humanity is in ˹grave˺ loss,

except those who have faith, do good, and urge each other to the truth, and urge each other to perseverance.

Hasan al-Basri, one of the scholars of the Taabi’een, had the following inspiration about Surat -ul-‘Asr.

On a sweltering hot day, on a street of Baghdad, he heard an ice-seller exclaim, ‘O people! Have mercy on one whose capital is melting away.’ Sheikh al-Hasan made quick connection with time. Just as the ice-seller would make a loss if his capital melted away, man in general will make a loss in the business of life, if they allow their capital to melt away. The capital is time and Allah reminds us in Surat -ul-‘Asr that if we waste our capital (time) solely for the dunya then we make al-khusr a tremendous loss.

Dearest beloved colleagues, I leave with an ending question and an indirect invitation to join the Melbourne Muslim Seminary, what are you willing to spend your time on?

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